Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hercules the Wondermonkey has a Blog!

Yes - that's right, the ever popular "Hercules the Wondermonkey" finally has his new web presence.

I know you all have been eagerly awaiting news of my recovery, and here it is! Im Back and Better than Ever!

Following a series of unfortunate accidents that rendered me unable to continue my career in acting, ive been forced to keep a low profile for some time.

Additionally there were some unfortunate legal issues which meant many internet references to me had to be aggressively eliminated. Well no more!

In defiance of many threats to my personal safety, i feel it is important that you, my faithful fans, have access to knowledge of me once again. And thus, here I am.

I'll be getting back to you all shortly with further entries in this Blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, thankyou Hercules the Wondermonkey for you're come back.

I too have been out of the spotlight for quite sometime and wish i had the bravery and commitment you have for you're fans.

I wish i could follow you're prime example, but will stay low for a while as I am still recieving death threats from countless, angry, yellow teethed, colgate geriatrics.